Writing is really a gift. A natural talent is a real boon for the writer. But writing can be learnt and cultivated. Practicing makes one a better writer over a period of time. A decent command over the language in which one is writing, a flair for words and phrases, a good grasp of the subject on which the article is composed and a direct, simple approach, are a few basic requirements to become a tolerably good writer of articles.
The most difficult and crucial component of article writing is choosing the subject wisely. The subject must be interesting, of current interest and yet simple. Subjects relating to complex political and legal issues are better avoided.
Choose your style of writing carefully. Simple, elegant and straight-forward writing is the best. Never use complex sentences and pompous language. Short sentences and precise paragraphs would color to your writing. One should be precise and succinct in writing. The trick is to put oneself in the shoes of the reader and think like a reader.
The introduction should cover all the aspects of the subject/topic and make the reader want to continue reading the entire article. The introduction should be brief and yet capture the spirit of the article. Even the busiest reader must be aroused to read on. Crisp and imaginative introduction would stir even the most disinterested visitor to read the article in full.
This is the main body of the article. This should be divided into a suitably short paragraphs based on the points the writer is making. The writer can devote time to the history, the present status and the future course of the subject and divide each part of the subject in to different sub-headings. The point is that the article must be packaged to look and feel attractive and interesting even to the most casual reader.
Once the writer has made sure that he has covered all the relevant points in the body of the article, he can go about concluding the article. Conclusion must subtly draw the attention of the reader to the point of view of the writer without being obvious about it. With consummate skills the writer must draw the reader to the writer's viewpoint. Conclusion must not be too lengthy.
This is where the writer must acknowledge the sources on the subject that the writer relied on for composing the article.